I’ve been receiving your emails and messages, mostly with questions about my absence lately. Thank you, so much, for letting me know that I’ve been missed! So, something is brewing in the wings my sweeties!
I have a new studio space, locally, that is a big step up (with plumbing, heat AND A/C!!!). So for the past weeks life has been a bit of a jumble, between packing, on my end, while they have been trying to get large equipment out of the space. Road blocks galore!! It’s kind of like running in quicksand. You get the picture. Everything, on their end should be thumbs up by the end of the month. Then time to move.
OH, but there’s more…
Well, the studio space is just below an unfinished studio apartment. For the most part it’s finished, but needs door knobs, molding, etc. It’s been kind of a catch all storage space for years. They are hoping to use it for out of town guests and/or possibly as a short stay rental. The bulk of what is left to do is to bring in some furnishings and then…Decorate. They've asked if I'd like to take it on.
Does that sound like a good YouTube channel to you?
Good, because I’m already packing. Oh, I forgot to tell you the twist… I’ll be living in it during the remodel.
Talk soon!