A couple of years ago, when I made the change from canvas to wood panels it solved one big problem, then created a few new ones. Because my painting methods are so wet, even deep gallery canvases would warp. With the change to wood that problem was solved immediately, and I liked the presentation and visual weight that it gave to my work. The new problem was that I didn’t have a proper surface to set the panels, where they would be: 1) Level, 2) able to catch run-off paint, and 3) at a proper height that wouldn’t kill my back. Problem number three has been my biggest issue. Because the paint needs to run over the edges, to achieve the look that I want, I had to keep them low to the ground, propped up on blocks, buckets, or whatever else I could think of. Once I pour a layer of color, I lift, turn, and hold the panels to change the direction of the paint and make sure that the entire layer is evenly distributed… and this has been taking a big toll on my lower back. I began to imagine a table that could do all of those things for me… Something that would catch over-spill, something that would stay level (so it would cure evenly), and something high enough that I wouldn’t have to bend over and strain to hold the panels. It all started with couch legs. You know, the kind you can buy on Amazon and screw into the bottom of your couch. Soon a picture started to come together in my head… I could screw the couch legs into a wood panel… the panel would need edges to catch the over-spill… Long story short, this is what I eventually came up with.
I was pretty sure of the general dimensions that I would need. I paint on panels that are roughly 20”x 30” to 30”x 40” (and 1 ½” thick), so after adding a few inches in all directions I came up with 40” x 50”. With this basic diagram I went to see my friend Pat (carpenter). I showed him my plans and asked if it was doable. He looked them over, asked me a few additional questions, including how I needed this table to work for me. He said yes, I ordered the couch legs, and here we are. I got my baby A couple of weeks ago, and it has been a dream come true. Pat put some really great design into this. He built it so that, if need be, I can detach the top from the legs. Also, he designed the legs so that they are really sturdy without being big chunks of heavy wood.
Thank you Pat!
Thank you Pat!