"Threshold" was installed at it's home Saturday. A cloudy, rainy day... and I was getting toward the end of what, I thought, had been a somewhat hectic day. I sent a text to my client, Brenda, to see what time her party was wrapping up (We had scheduled the install on the same day that she was having a few of her young daughter's friends over, for a little Holiday gathering). So, she tells me that the party is just wrapping up, and we schedule the delivery and install for an hour and a half later. Fast forward to an hour an a half later. I've texted her, to let her know that I'm on my way. As I pull onto her cul-de-sac I notice something strange right away. I couldn't see her house... at all! It's pitch dark out, no street lights, and her house is tucked back into serious foliage. None the less, I managed to back up her driveway, to the garage door (like a BOSS, with only my side mirrors available to me - as the art was blocking my rear-view mirror). I walk around, to the front door, and I'm telling you... pitch black darkness. I reach, for what I think looks like the doorbell. It worked. Whew. After a few moments the door begins to open...slowly. And it keeps opening... slowly, and there's no one there... and, there's still no one there. Then, just as the door was so close to the wall that I was sure there couldn't be room for any human body (and I was about the shriek and run) Jocelyn (Brenda's daughter) quietly pops her head out (and Cindy Lou Who has nothing on this cutie). As I breath a sigh of relief, and try not to laugh, I see Brenda coming toward the entryway...with bed head and crooked glasses (they were so pooped after the party that they had passed out on the couch). As I entered the large living area it became clear that this hadn't been just few little kids... try 10! And, you could just tell by the amazing trays and plates of treats galore piled up, there had to be some sugar rushing, jacked up kiddies running around somewhere lose in the city. And after all of that, Brenda was even able to snap some of these shots of the install, and is now my hero. I'll be going back as soon as possible (aka - the day that we actually see some sun) to get some better lighted shots.
Thank you ~ Your interest is so appreciated ;-)
Kim xoxo
Thank you ~ Your interest is so appreciated ;-)
Kim xoxo